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Essay/Term paper: Animal farm

Essay, term paper, research paper:  George Orwell

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Almost all the animals had a very bad memory so they were not able to remember things of major signifigance. After a little while the pigs would mention the past and the animals would not remember what had happened so they would agree with the pigs. The the battle of cowshed, snowball was a very herioic animal in that battle but Neapolean said that that was not true that there memory had deceived them, that snowball was just trying to get them to trust him because he was in connection with Mr. Jones. Also the pigs had changed the commandments. When the animals saw the commandments when they have been changed the pigs convinced them that they were wrong. So even though some animals knew how to read they would not have remembered very clearly what the commandments really said.
The pigs where also very convinceing. They were alway able to get out of any situation. The best talker of all the pigs was Squaler. He was always able to convince that animals that what every they had done the do for the good of all the animals and not just for themselves. Just like when the pigs had taken the milk and apples for themselves, they said that they only took it was because they needed it and that if they did not have it they would not be able to help operate the farm, he also added that the pigs did not actually like the milk and apples but they had to eat it. They rest of the animals believed them because they did not know what else to think. The pigs where also able to convince them that they had not changed the commandments and that there memory had deceived them and that that is what it had always said. This tactic of convincing them really helped them alot in taking over the farm for without the rest of the animals support the pigs would not have gotten control of the farm.
Were the animals able to prevent the pigs from changing the seven commandments? The pigs were very cunning in twisting the commandments to satisfy themselves instead of helping the other animals like, no animals shall sleep in a bed to no animals shall sleep in a bed with sheet. Most of the animals were not aware of these changes in the commandments because they were almost all illiterate. Even though some of the animals knew how to read they were very forgetful and forgot very important events or changes in the commandments. The pigs also always had a way of convinceing the animals that they were what they were doing was for the good of all the animals and not just for themselves.
Many of the animals were illiterate, the only animals that were able to read was Benjamin and all of the pigs. When the pigs changed a commandment the animals were not able to tell if they changed if because non of the animals knew what it really said, they would either have to ask Benjamin or the pigs for example at the beginning the only way that they knew the commandments was that they hadmemorized them . Most of the animals only knew the alpabet, while most of them only knew sections of it. The pigs knew this so they were able to re-paint the commandments on the farm wall.
Almost all the animals had a very bad memory so they were not able to remember things of major signifigance. After a little while the pigs would mention the past and the animals would not remember what had happened so they would agree with the pigs. The the battle of cowshed, snowball was a very herioic animal in that battle but Neapolean said that that was not true that there memory had deceived them, that snowball was just trying to get them to trust him because he was in connection with Mr. Jones. Also the pigs had changed the commandments. When the animals saw the commandments when they have been changed the pigs convinced them that they were wrong. So even though some animals knew how to read they would not have remembered very clearly what the commandments really said.
The pigs where also very convinceing. They were alway able to get out of any situation. The best talker of all the pigs was Squaler. He was always able to convince that animals that what every they had done the do for the good of all the animals and not just for themselves. Just like when the pigs had taken the milk and apples for themselves, they said that they only took it was because they needed it and that if they did not have it they would not be able to help operate the farm, he also added that the pigs did not actually like the milk and apples but they had to eat it. They rest of the animals believed them because they did not know what else to think. The pigs where also able to convince them that they had not changed the commandments and that there memory had deceived them and that that is what it had always said. This tactic of convincing them really helped them alot in taking over the farm for without the rest of the animals support the pigs would not have gotten control of the farm.
The take over of the farm was enadable because the rest of the animals all fell prey to the pigs leadership and vast intellect compared to the rest. All the pigs had to do was to say that what they were doing was for the good of all the animals and they would all do what they could to help them. From the part in which the pigs took charge till the end of the novel the animal had accepted these changes that the pigs had done, for they where not able to fore see the future.

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